Say it with a bouquet from Rosaruim

By Kerry Johnson | Morgelli Creative Photography

When that gorgeous bundle of roses arrives at your door, you’re probably overwhelmed by the colour, the scent, the lushness of the experience. What you won’t notice is the amount of work behind the scenes that goes into making sure your experience is absolutely perfect. There are more than 150 species of roses out there, ranging from shrubs and ground cover to climbers and tall stately individual stems. Some only bloom once a year, while others produce blooms all year round. But only certain types make it to a florist’s shop to go on to brighten our homes. It can be a tricky job to find the perfect balance between stamina for shipping, strong stems, sheer beauty, a choice of colours, vase life and scent. 

Long stem roses outsell all other types, and present beautifully in vases and arrangements, thanks to their strong stems and large heads, but not all long stem flowers are alike. So when you’re looking to buy roses, while it can be easy to think of the traditional bouquet of big red blooms, there are plenty of other options now available to you. 

If you like a strong colour, the vibrant two-toned High & Yellow presents with a vibrant yellow base, and red tips, giving you a big visual impact with a minimal scent. Another striking option would be the High & Orange, which looks like a bouquet of burning embers, with shades of orange and pink. 

Those sunset colours also shine through, though slightly more subdued, in the Free Spirit rose, with the addition of a peach tone, beautiful ruffled edges and a noticeable scent. This one is known for its long life in the vase as well. 

The ruffled petals are also a feature of the Esperanza, a two-toned rose with a pink ruffled interior, and unusual green exterior petals, where you can enjoy a big-headed, long lasting bloom without an overpowering fragrance. 

Pink goes in a whole other direction with the flower dubbed Scandal, a sensuous deeper shade with undertones of lavender, plentiful curled petals, a generous head and long vase life, so the joy lingers. 

A lack of bright colour doesn’t take away from a rose’s beauty, though. The flower named Sandy is a large, creamy blush-coloured pink, a pale, delicate shade that looks almost white, but is perfect in its simplicity. 

So if you’re buying for yourself, or looking for the perfect choice for someone else, take the time to browse the sizes, the arrangements, and especially the huge variety of colours that growers and florists have worked hard to make available, to find something that represents exactly what you want to say with that bouquet.