Be in PIE Face Kids

Editorial Calendar

Pie Face Kids is published twice a year.

Who We Are

Pie Face Kids is a print/digital publication produced by Pie Media Group (PMG), a traditional and digital media publisher recognized for their expertise in the industry over the past thirteen years. PMG creates top-notch content with a global team of videographers, photographers and writers.

Pie Face Kids

Pie Face Kids (PFK) is a contemporary children’s fashion and lifestyle magazine. It targets families who are developing a taste for beautiful things and beginning to explore the world around them. It informs and inspires readers by delivering dazzling content that covers new childhood and lifestyle trends, research breakthroughs, and quality children’s products with a focus on contemporary kids fashion and style for the home.

PFK presents fresh design photography alongside insightful editorials to uplift and educate readers young and old. It’s the magazine of choice for modern, in-the-know kids who carry it with them on their journey through the modern world of childhood.

A portion of the magazine content is created with child writers, photographers, models, journalists, and more.

For advertising rates and specifications please contact us.

Content and Circulation

Due to demand from tech-savvy kids, PFK will be available as a digital edition in addition to traditional publishing routes. Its online presence also means it will be available forever adding considerably to its shelf life.

  • 10,000 copies in distribution
  • Private Schools
  • Trade Show Events
  • Pie Magazine as an insert to Chapters/Indigo and major bookstores across Canada
  • Digital Magazine


Exclusive Partnerships, Travel Guides, Company Profiles

Produced entirely in-house by the experts at Pie Media Group, our award-winning designers, writers and photographers create marketing campaigns that connect consumers to brands through business profiles and editorials. We create this content for companies exploring alternative solutions to existing marketing strategies and we have a proven track record generating a high ROI by connecting business directly to the end consumer.

A kids bookazine.


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